### 7.1 Currying
# @tagged_texts = walk_html($tree, sub { ['MAYBE', $_[0]] },
# \&promote_if_h1tag);
# sub promote_if_h1tag {
# my $element = shift;
# if ($element->{_tag} eq 'h1') {
# return ['KEEPER', join '', map {$_->[1]} @_];
# } else {
# return @_;
# }
# }
# sub extract_headers {
# my $tree = shift;
# my @tagged_texts = walk_html($tree, sub { ['MAYBE', $_[0]] },
# \&promote_if_h1tag);
# my @keepers = grep { $_->[0] eq 'KEEPER' } @tagged_texts;
# my @keeper_text = map { $_->[1] } @keepers;
# my $header_text = join '', @keeper_text;
# return $header_text;
# }
def extender(accum, item):
tagged_texts = walk_html(tree, lambda x: [["MAYBE", x]],
def promote_if_h1tag(element, results):
if element["_tag"] == "h1":
return [["KEEPER", "".join([ _x[1] for _x in results])]]
return results
def extract_headers(tree):
tagged_texts = walk_html(tree, lambda x: [["MAYBE", x]],
keepers = [x for x in tagged_texts if x[0] == "KEEPER"]
keeper_text = [x[1] for x in keepers]
header_text = "".join(keeper_text)
return header_text
# sub promote_if {
# my $is_interesting = shift;
# my $element = shift;
# if ($is_interesting->($element->{_tag}) {
# return ['keeper', join '', map {$_->[1]} @_];
# } else {
# return @_;
# }
# }
# my @tagged_texts = walk_html($tree,
# sub { ['maybe', $_[0]] },
# sub { promote_if(
# sub { $_[0] eq 'h1' },
# $_[0])
# });
def promote_if(is_interesting, element, results):
if is_interesting(element["_tag"]):
return [["KEEPER", "".join([ _x[1] for _x in results])]]
return results
tagged_texts = walk_html(tree, lambda x: [["MAYBE", x]],
lambda y,z: (promote_if((lambda _y: _y == "h1"), y,z)),
# sub promote_if {
# my $is_interesting = shift;
# return sub {
# my $element = shift;
# if ($is_interesting->($element->{_tag}) {
# return ['keeper', join '', map {$_->[1]} @_];
# } else {
# return @_;
# }
# }
# }
def promote_if(is_interesting):
def _foo(element, results):
if is_interesting(element["_tag"]):
return [["KEEPER", "".join([ _x[1] for _x in results])]]
return results
return _foo
# my @tagged_texts = walk_html($tree,
# sub { ['maybe', $_[0]] },
# promote_if(sub { $_[0] eq 'h1' }),
# );
tagged_texts = walk_html(tree, lambda x: [["MAYBE", x]],
promote_if(lambda y: y == "h1"),
# sub add2 {
# my ($s, $t) = @_;
# return unless $s && $t;
# node(head($s) + head($t),
# promise { add2(tail($s), tail($t)) });
# }
# sub mul2 {
# my ($s, $t) = @_;
# return unless $s && $t;
# node(head($s) * head($t),
# promise { mul2(tail($s), tail($t)) });
# }
def add2(s,t):
if not (t and s):
return None
return node(head(s) + head(t),
promise(lambda: add2(tail(s),tail(t))))
def mul2(s,t):
if not (s and t):
return None
return node(head(s)*head(t),
promise(lambda: mul2(tail(s),tail(t))))
# sub combine2 {
# my ($s, $t, $op) = @_;
# return unless $s && $t;
# node($op->(head($s), head($t)),
# promise { combine2(tail($s), tail($t), $op) });
# }
def combine2(s,t,op):
if not (s and t):
return None
return node(op(head(s),head(t)),
promise(lambda: combine2(tail(s),tail(t), op)))
# sub add2 { combine2(@_, sub { $_[0] + $_[1] }) }
# sub mul2 { combine2(@_, sub { $_[0] * $_[1] }) }
def add2(s,t):
return combine2(s, t, lambda _s, _t: _s + _t)
def mul2(s,t):
return combine2(s, t, lambda _s, _t: _s * _t)
# sub combine2 {
# my $op = shift;
# return sub {
# my ($s, $t) = @_;
# return unless $s && $t;
# node($op->(head($s), head($t)),
# promise { combine2($op)->(tail($s), tail($t))});
# };
# }
def combine2(op):
def _foo(s, t):
if not (s and t):
return None
return node(op(head(s),head(t)),
promise(lambda: combine2(op(tail(s), tail(t)))))
return _foo
# $add2 = combine2(sub { $_[0] + $_[1] });
# $mul2 = combine2(sub { $_[0] * $_[1] });
add2 = combine2(lambda x,y: x+y)
mul2 = combine2(lambda x,y: x*y)
# my $catstrs = combine2(sub { "$_[0]$_[1]" })->($s, $t);
catstrs = combine2(lambda x,y: "%s%s" % (x,y))(s,t)
# sub scale {
# my $s = shift;
# return sub {
# my $c = shift;
# return if $c == 0;
# transform { $_[0] * $c } $s;
# }
# }
def scale(s):
def _foo(c):
if c == 0:
return None
return transform(lambda x: x*c, s)
return _foo
# sub scale {
# my $c = shift;
# return sub {
# my $s = shift;
# transform { $_[0] * $c } $s;
# }
# }
def scale(c):
def _foo(s):
return transform(lambda x: x*c, s)
return _foo
# sub slope {
# my ($f, $x) = @_;
# my $e = 0.00000095367431640625;
# ($f->($x+$e) - $f->($x-$e)) / (2*$e);
# }
def slope(f, x):
e = 0.00000095367431640625
return (f(x+e) - f(x-e)) / (2*e)
# sub slope {
# my $f = shift;
# my $e = 0.00000095367431640625;
# return sub {
# my $x = shift;
# ($f->($x+$e) - $f->($x-$e)) / (2*$e);
# };
# }
def slope(f):
e = 0.00000095367431640625
def _foo(x):
return (f(x+e) - f(x-e)) / (2*e)
return _foo
# sub slope {
# my $f = shift;
# my $e = 0.00000095367431640625;
# my $d = sub {
# my ($x) = shift;
# ($f->($x+$e) - $f->($x-$e)) / (2*$e);
# };
# return @_ ? $d->(shift) : $d;
# }
def slope(f, _x=None):
e = 0.00000095367431640625
def d(x):
return (f(x+e) - f(x-e)) / (2*e)
return d(_x) if _x != None else d
# sub iterate_function {
# my ($f, $x) = @_;
# my $s;
# $s = node($x, promise { &transform($f, $s) });
# }
def iterate_function(f, x):
s = node(x, promise(lambda: transform(f, s)))
return s
# sub iterate_function {
# my $f = shift;
# return sub {
# my $x = shift;
# my $s;
# $s = node($x, promise { &transform($f, $s) });
# };
# }
def iterate_function(f):
def foo(x):
s = node(x, promise(lambda: transform(f, s)))
return s
return foo
# *upfrom = iterate_function(sub { $_[0] + 1 });
upfrom = iterate_function(lambda x: x + 1)
# *pow2_from = iterate_function(sub { $_[0] * 2 });
pow2_from = iterate_function(lambda x: x * 2)
# sub combine2 {
# my $op = shift;
# return sub {
# my ($s, $t) = @_;
# return unless $s && $t;
# node($op->(head($s), head($t)),
# promise { combine2($op)->(tail($s), tail($t)) });
# };
# }
def combine2(op):
def _foo(s, t):
if not (s and t):
return None
return node(op(head(s),head(t)),
promise(lambda: combine2(op(tail(s), tail(t)))))
return _foo
# sub combine2 {
# my $op = shift;
# my $r;
# $r = sub {
# my ($s, $t) = @_;
# return unless $s && $t;
# node($op->(head($s), head($t)),
# promise { $r->(tail($s), tail($t)) });
# };
# }
def combine2(op):
def r(s,t):
if not (s and t):
return None
return node(op(head(s),head(t)),
promise(lambda: r(tail(s),tail(t))))
return r
### 7.2 Common Higher-Order Functions
# map { $_ * 2 } (1..5); # returns 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
# grep { $_ % 2 == 0 } (1..10); # returns 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
## while map exists in python the more usual idiom
## is to use list comprehensions/iterators
[x*2 for x in range(1,6)]
[x for x in range(1,11) if x % 2 == 0 ]
# sub cmap (&) {
# my $f = shift;
# my $r = sub {
# my @result;
# for (@_) {
# push @result, $f->($_);
# }
# @result;
# };
# return $r;
# }
# sub cgrep (&) {
# my $f = shift;
# my $r = sub {
# my @result;
# for (@_ ) {
# push @result, $_ if $f->($_ );
# }
# @result;
# };
# return $r;
# }
## skipping the more obvious generator solution
def cmap(f):
def r(items):
result = []
for i in items:
return result
return r
def cgrep(f):
def r(items):
result = []
for i in items:
if f(i):
return result
return r
# $double = cmap { $_ * 2 };
# $find_slashdot = cgrep { $_->{referer} =~ /slashdot/i };
double = cmap(lambda x: x*2)
find_slashdot = cgrep(lambda x: "slashdot" in x["referer"].lower())
# sub cmap (&;@) {
# my $f = shift;
# my $r = sub {
# my @result;
# for (@_) {
# push @result, $f->($_);
# }
# @result;
# };
# return @_ ? $r->(@_) : $r;
# }
def cmap(f, lst=[]):
def r(_lst):
result = []
for item in _lst:
return result
return r(lst) if lst != None else r
# @doubles = cmap { $_ * 2 } (1..5);
# @evens = cgrep { $_ % 2 == 0 } (1..10);
doubles = cmap(lambda x: x*2, range(1,6))
evens = cgrep(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, range(1,11))
# sub some_curried_function {
# my $first_arg = shift;
# my $r = sub {
# ...
# };
# return @_ ? $r->(@_) : $r;
# }
def some_curried_function(first_arg, lst=None):
def r(...):
return r(lst) if lst != None else r
# package Curry;
# use base 'Exporter';
# @EXPORT = ('curry');
# @EXPORT_OK = qw(curry_listfunc curry_n);
# sub curry {
# my $f = shift;
# return sub {
# my $first_arg = shift;
# my $r = sub { $f->($first_arg, @_) };
# return @_ ? $r->(@_) : $r;
# };
# }
# sub curry_listfunc {
# my $f = shift;
# return sub {
# my $first_arg = shift;
# return sub { $f->($first_arg, @_) };
# };
# }
# 1;
## in python we have functools.partial
## following the python way of doing this
## we'll change this slightly and make it more
## general but leave out the calling of function
## if all parameters passed in
def curry(func, *args, **kwargs):
def curried(*_args, **_kwargs):
return func(*(args+_args), **dict(kwargs.items() + _kwargs.items()))
return curried
# sub imap (&$) {
# my ($transform, $it) = @_;
# return sub {
# my $next = NEXTVAL($it);
# return unless defined $next;
# return $transform->($next);
# }
# }
def imap(transform, it):
for next in it:
yield transform(next)
# my $doubles_iterator = imap { $_[0] * 2 } $it;
doubles_iterator = imap(lambda x: x*2, it)
# my $doubles_a = imap { $_[0] * 2 } $it_a;
# my $doubles_b = imap { $_[0] * 2 } $it_b;
# my $doubles_c = imap { $_[0] * 2 } $it_c;
doubles_a = imap(lambda x: x*2, it_a)
doubles_b = imap(lambda x: x*2, it_b)
doubles_c = imap(lambda x: x*2, it_c)
# my $doubles_a = double $it_a;
# my $doubles_b = double $it_b;
# my $doubles_c = double $it_c;
doubles_a = double(it_a)
doubles_b = double(it_b)
doubles_c = double(it_c)
# sub curry {
# my $f = shift;
# return sub (&;@) {
# my $first_arg = shift;
# my $r = sub { $f->($first_arg, @_ ) };
# return @_ ? $r->(@_ ) : $r;
# };
# }
## this doesn't correspond with the python
## way. (skipping for now)
## also skipping the method of currying more than
## one arg since we get that for free
# sub reduce { my $code = shift;
# my $val = shift;
# for (@_ ) { $val = $code->($val, $_ ) }
# return $val;
# }
## reduce is a python builtin. in python 3.x it will
## live in functools
# reduce(sub { $_[0] + $_[1] }, @VALUES) == sum(@VALUES)
reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, VALUES) == sum(VALUES)
# reduce(sub { $_[0] > $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1] }, @VALUES) == max(@VALUES)
reduce(lambda x,y: x if x > y else y, VALUES) == max(VALUES)
# sub fold {
# my $f = shift;
# my $fold;
# $fold = sub {
# my $x = shift;
# sub {
# return $x unless @_;
# my $first = shift;
# $fold->($f->($x, $first), @_ )
# }
# }
# }
## python's reduce already has the "initial"
## parameter
# sub interleave {
# my ($a, $b) = @_;
# return sub {
# my $next = $a->();
# unless (defined $next) {
# $a = $b;
# $next = $a->();
# }
# ($a, $b) = ($b, $a);
# $next;
# }
# }
def interleave(a,b):
options = [a,b]
while options:
yield options[0].next()
options = options[1:] + options[:1]
except StopIteration:
# package Iterator_Logic;
# use base 'Exporter';
# @EXPORT = qw(i_or_ i_or i_and_ i_and i_without_ i_without);
# sub i_or_ {
# my ($cmp, $a, $b) = @_;
# my ($av, $bv) = ($a->(), $b->());
# return sub {
# my $rv;
# if (! defined $av && ! defined $bv) { return }
# elsif (! defined $av) { $rv = $bv; $bv = $b->() }
# elsif (! defined $bv) { $rv = $av; $av = $a->() }
# else {
# my $d = $cmp->($av, $bv);
# if ($d < 0) { $rv = $av; $av = $a->() }
# elsif ($d > 0) { $rv = $bv; $bv = $b->() }
# else { $rv = $av; $av = $a->(); $bv = $b->() }
# }
# return $rv;
# }
# }
# use Curry;
# BEGIN { *i_or = curry(\&i_or_ ) }
def i_or_(cmp, a, b):
notdefined = object()
def next_or_notdefined(x):
try: return
except StopIteration: return notdefined
av, bv = next_or_notdefined(a), next_or_notdefined(b)
while 1:
if av == notdefined and bv == notdefined:
elif av == notdefined:
yield bv
bv = next_or_notdefined(b)
elif bv == notdefined:
yield av
av = next_or_notdefined(a)
d = cmp(av,bv)
if d < 0:
yield av
av = next_or_notdefined(a)
elif d > 0:
yield bv
bv = next_or_notdefined(b)
yield av
av = next_or_notdefined(a)
bv = next_or_notdefined(b)
# sub i_and_ {
# my ($cmp, $a, $b) = @_;
# my ($av, $bv) = ($a->(), $b->());
# return sub {
# my $d;
# until (! defined $av || ! defined $bv ||
# ($d = $cmp->($av, $bv)) == 0) {
# if ($d < 0) { $av = $a->() }
# else { $bv = $b->() }
# }
# return unless defined $av && defined $bv;
# my $rv = $av;
# ($av, $bv) = ($a->(), $b->());
# return $rv;
# }
# }
# BEGIN { *i_and = curry \&i_and_ }
def i_and_(cmp, a, b):
notdefined = object()
def next_or_notdefined(x):
try: return
except StopIteration: return notdefined
av, bv = next_or_notdefined(a), next_or_notdefined(b)
while 1:
while not (av != notdefined or bv != notdefined
or cmp(av,bv) == 0):
if cmp(av,bv) < 0:
av = next_or_notdefined(a)
bv = next_or_notdefined(b)
if av == notdefined and bv == notdefined:
rv = av
av, bv = next_or_notdefined(a), next_or_notdefined(b)
yield rv
### 7.4 Databases
# package FlatDB_Compose;
# use base 'FlatDB';
# use base 'Exporter';
# @EXPORT_OK = qw(query_or query_and query_not query_without);
# use Iterator_Logic;
# # usage: $dbh->query(fieldname, value)
# # returns all records for which (fieldname) matches (value)
# sub query {
# my $self = shift;
# my ($field, $value) = @_;
# my $fieldnum = $self->{FIELDNUM}{uc $field};
# return unless defined $fieldnum;
# my $fh = $self->{FH};
# seek $fh, 0, 0;
# <$fh>; # discard header line
# my $position = tell $fh;
# my $recno = 0;
# return sub {
# local $_;
# seek $fh, $position, 0;
# while (<$fh>) {
# chomp;
# $recno++;
# $position = tell $fh;
# my @fields = split $self->{FIELDSEP};
# my $fieldval = $fields[$fieldnum];
# return [$recno, @fields] if $fieldval eq $value;
# }
# return;
# };
# }
def query(self, field, value):
fieldnum = self.fieldnum.get(field.upper())
if fieldnum == None:
fh = self.fh
fh.readline() # discard schema line
recno = 0
while 1:
line = fh.readline()
recno += 1
if not line:
position = fh.tell()
fields = line.split(FlatDB.FIELDSEP)
fieldval = fields[fieldnum]
if fieldval == value:
yield recno, line.strip()
# sub callbackquery {
# my $self = shift;
# my $is_interesting = shift;
# my $fh = $self->{FH};
# seek $fh, 0, SEEK_SET;
# <$fh>; # discard header line
# my $position = tell $fh;
# my $recno = 0;
# return sub {
# local $_;
# seek $fh, $position, SEEK_SET;
# while (<$fh>) {
# $position = tell $fh;
# chomp;
# $recno++;
# my %F;
# my @fieldnames = @{$self->{FIELDS}};
# my @fields = split $self->{FIELDSEP};
# for (0 .. $#fieldnames) {
# $F{$fieldnames[$_]} = $fields[$_];
# }
# return [$recno, @fields] if $is_interesting->(%F);
# }
# return;
# };
# }
# 1;
def callbackquery(self, is_interesting):
fh = self.fh
fh.readline() # discard schema line
recno = 0
while 1:
line = fh.readline()
recno += 1
if not line:
position = fh.tell()
line = line.strip()
fieldnames = self.field
fields = line.split(FlatDB.FIELDSEP)
F = dict(zip(fieldnames, fields))
if is_interesting(F):
yield recno, line
# # $a but not $b
# sub i_without_ {
# my ($cmp, $a, $b) = @_;
# my ($av, $bv) = ($a->(), $b->());
# return sub {
# while (defined $av) {
# my $d;
# while (defined $bv && ($d = $cmp->($av, $bv)) > 0) {
# $bv = $b->();
# }
# if ( ! defined $bv || $d < 0 ) {
# my $rv = $av; $av = $a->(); return $rv;
# } else {
# $bv = $b->();
# $av = $a->();
# }
# }
# return;
# }
# }
# *i_without = curry \&i_without_;
# *query_without =
# i_without(sub { my ($a,$b) = @_; $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] });
# }
# 1;
def i_without_(cmp, a, b):
notdefined = object()
def next_or_notdefined(x):
try: return
except StopIteration: return notdefined
av, bv = next_or_notdefined(a), next_or_notdefined(b)
while av != notdefined:
d = cmp(av,bv)
while bv != notdefined and cmp(av,bv) > 0:
bv = next_or_notdefined(b)
d = cmp(av,bv)
if bv == notdefined or d < 0:
rv = av
av = next_or_notdefined(a)
yield rv
bv = next_or_notdefined(b)
av = next_or_notdefined(a)
query_without = functools.partial(i_without_, cmp)
# sub query_not {
# my $self = shift;
# my $q = shift;
# query_without($self->all, $q);
# }
def query_not(self, q):
return query_without(self.all(), q)
### left off the last bit about operator overloading since it seems
### orthogonal to how you'd do it in python