Saturday, November 15, 2008

emacs python mode from scratch: stage 12 - bicycle repair man

For this session we'll get bicycle repair man support working.

First let's see if we can get brm working by itself and then see how it integrates into emacs.

To start it I ran:

M-x python-setup-brm

It took a little googling and experimentation to figure out how to use this. But I finally figured out that if you select some text then the menus do their thing.

This is a strange little tool. I guess I'm so used to refactoring with global search and replaces that this seems overly constraining. But perhaps it's just unfamiliar. I suspect that if you got used to it then you could learn to like it, but I'm skeptical. One behavior that was very counter intuitive is that you can't use the normal emacs undo to revert the refactoring change. You have to do it via the menus (or presumably the brm console). In any case let's look at the code that runs brm.

Firstly it does an autoload of pymacs.

I've never really played with this before but you can see that it is loaded correctly and working by doing the following in *scratch*:

(pymacs-eval "2 + 2")

The second prep step is to get the bicycle repair man module itself loaded:

(autoload 'brm-init "bikemacs")

Which I'm assuming works since I was able to do a refactoring

  • python-setup-brm

    This code is mostly just busy work to set up of menus.

    Strangely this code ends with an (error ... ) embedded in an (error ...).
    Not sure what that is about.

Interestingly in the comments the author of python.el expresses doubts that brm is useful.
Note to self, I should also look at ropemacs. Looks like rope has more features and if I recall an earlier experiment correctly does autocomplete of python variables/modules as well.

Any way, onward and upward. Next stop, context sensitive help.

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